Professional Photo Shoot and Workshop Poses & Shapes
It’s time to shine again!
Our summer show in June was a complete success and we are super happy about the wonderful performances of our students! For all those who couldn't be there, or who would like to capture their achievements in pictures, you can do so in September at our second student photo shoot! This time with professional photographer Baldemar Bottini. But that's not quite all: to help you get the best out of your photos, whether in this shoot or your own shots for the next Instagram post, Nicole Gerstner will be giving a workshop on the subject of flexibility poses and shapes.
No time for reading? Get directly to the topics of interest for you here:
Time to Shine Photo Shoot on 09/29
What you can have photographed:
- Splits Tricks & Flexibility Shapes
- Contortion Tricks
- Aerial Hoop Tricks
- Aerial Hammock Tricks

When: 09/29 from 12:30 pm
Where: 1st Floor Studio, Prenzlauer Promenade 189, 13189 Berlin
Price: € 150 early bird until July 31, after that € 165
This includes one hour of preparation time, 30 minutes of photo shoot and 5 professionally edited pictures in full resolution. You can order additional pictures for € 20 per picture.
The process:
From 12:30 pm warmup and makeup
We help you with your makeup and hair and with choosing your poses.
From 13:30 Photo Shoots
Buche einen 30-Minuten-Slot für Dein Shooting. Wir sind währenddessen dabei und assistieren. Du kommst noch nicht perfekt in eine Pose? Kein Problem, wir kommen zur Hilfe. Natürlich achten wir auch darauf, dass Haare, Makeup und Kleidung sitzen!
After a short processing time we will send you your photos. 5 photos are included in the price.
Hast Du Lust bekommen?
Online Workshop Posen & Shapes am 14.09.

When: 09/14 from 14:00 - 16:00
Where: online via Skype
Price: € 30 early bird until July 31, after that € 36
Special price for IMA members: € 15
The workshop is limited to 10 participants so that everyone gets their own personal time.
Contract members profit!
As an IMA member you get the workshop for only € 15! Don't have a membership yet? Until July 31 there is still a discount of up to € 35 on our Premium Memberships.
Workshop Contents
- Warmup together
- Shapes and alignment of the body in bridges, front and side splits, straddles, standing splits, and forearm and handstands
- We'll try different poses together and find the best ones for you!
- Short cooldown
Use the knowledge you gain for photo shoots, Instagram pictures or your next performance. We look forward to seeing you shine!
By the way: If you book the online workshop and photo shoot together, you save a further € 15!
Package Preis: € 165 early bird until July 31, after that € 180
Pictures of our Student Show
Finally, we are especially excited to share a few highlights from our last Student Show with you. We wanted to create a community event where our students have the chance to show off what they've been working on in class on a professional stage in a real circus tent.
They spent eight weeks training, rehearsing, working on costumes and let us be part of it. But see for yourself!
We thank and congratulate Laura, Cecilia, Nele, Doro, Heike, Galina, May, Siona, Natalie, Maria, Sonja, Katharina, Leonie, Toni, Tünde, Ilja, Anna & the kids from the 1st Floor children's dance and acrobatics groups for great performances!
A very special thank you also goes to the audience, who made this wonderful community event possible in the first place with their entrance fees ❤
Photos by Baldemar Bottini
Class Schedule July / August